Week 2 didn't go as well as I had hoped it would. Infact I didn't even make it through day 1 of week 2! But instead of just dropping it like I normally would have, I'm pretty proud to say that I kept trying. It took me three weeks of doing "what i could" to finally make it through that 1st day of week 2.
On Monday I'm happy to say I finally completed that retched day ;o)
Surprisingly when I had to bump up my training on Wednesday I had no problem, and hence I'm sitting here able to say that my '2nd week' (5th) of training is FINALLY complete!!
It hasn't been simple, I even found myself visiting family out of town w/out a treadmill, and where I would normally say 'no way it's too cold' I instead packed my running shoes, contacted a good friend and got my rear out the door! Even not feeling well one day this week I found the strength to do what I could late that evening, when normally I would have said "no way it's too late".
I think a lot of being able to change my way of thinking this week has got to be a quote that I received from runnersworld "It's hard to train for a marathon, but it's a lot hard to not be able to train for a marathon"...this has really burned into my mind and it's seems to help me get through those moments when I want to say "I'm too tired, it's too cold, it's too late, it's too early, I don't feel good". I've got to say when you get through those brief moments... it makes all the difference.
Love to All!
Independent Consultant CTMH Supervisor
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